As part of the Tahoe Summer Exploration Series, the Tahoe Institute for Natural Science (TINS) and the Tahoe Rim Trail Association (TRTA) have partnered to provide summer excursions on a variety of nature-based topics.
Join TINS naturalist, Sarah Hockensmith and TRTA guides, as they lead the way in search of birds and flowers near a gorgeous waterfall to discuss and watch firsthand their physical characteristics and behavior. You’ll walk away from this trek with a better knowledge of what kinds of birds live and migrate through Tahoe, what types of flowers grow in and near the basin, the low-down on great birding and wildflower destinations in the Tahoe Basin, and some worthy photos.
This four-mile, easy, out-and-back trek is family-friendly and appropriate for ages 10 and up. For more information about the trek, contact