Support our Work
Become a Member
Members are the heart of our organization and allow TINS achieve its mission of advancing the natural history, conservation, and ecosystem knowledge of the Tahoe region, through science, education, and outreach.
Join or renew your membership with a tax-deductible gift and receive our member benefits including:
Invitations to exclusive member events
Our biannual member newsletter
Reduced fees on TINS programs and summer camps
TINS logo sticker
Plus, join now and receive a free TINS shopping tote, as our thanks!!
IRA Charitable Gifts
Supporters 70½ years or older may want to consider this tax-saving opportunity. Gifts directly from a Traditional or Roth IRA account lower your taxable income and can be used to satisfy all or part of your required minimum distribution. To take advantage of this option, please have your IRA plan administrator send a check to:
Tahoe Institute for Natural Science
948 Incline Way
Incline Village, NV 89451
Business Sponsorships
Business sponsorships can be focused on a particular event or program or support general operations. Local businesses and community members can provide added support and security to TINS operations through a multi-year pledge. To inquire about our sponsorship program, please email our Board Chair, Ron Hemig.
Planned Giving
Planned giving helps TINS prepare for the future: our future, your future, and the future of Tahoe’s natural resources. You can arrange now for a future gift to TINS by including a bequest provision in your will or revocable trust. A wide variety of giving options are available, including:
Gifts of Securities
Gifts of Real Property
Estate bequests
Charitable remainder trusts
Charitable gift annuity
Speak with your financial advisor or contact Executive Director, Will Richardson
Endowment Fund
An endowment fund is a special way to create a lasting gift to the Tahoe Institute for Natural Science. Although the gift is made today, it continues to generate additional funds in perpetuity because the original gift is never spent.
Families or individuals can set up a trust, which is invested, and only the earnings may be used towards supporting TINS in our mission. Alternatively, an endowment may be set up to donate a percentage of the fund annually, regardless of investment performance. Once the endowment fund is in place, the original donors may elect to continue to contribute to the endowment, and new donors may elect to contribute to others' endowment funds as well. In 2020, thanks to the contributions of several donors committed to TINS' long-term sustainability, we seeded a general working Endowment Fund.
If you are interested in contributing to the TINS Endowment Fund, or possibly setting up an endowment of your own to help support TINS, please speak with your financial advisor or contact our Executive Director, Will Richardson.