California Naturalist Program
2025 CalNat Immersive Course at Sagehen Creek Field Station
Sunday, June 15th to Saturday, June 21st
Fill in your application now to reserve your spot!
Program Goals
To promote environmental literacy and stewardship of California’s natural resources
To increase participation in resource conservation and community science projects throughout the state
To develop a core constituency of committed and educated citizens willing and able to participate in resource conservation, preservation, and restoration efforts
To provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to educate others and participate in many aspects of resource management, such as public education, resource planning, and public decision-making
To provide the communication experience and critical thinking skills necessary to grow a base that supports environmental protection and sustainable growth in California
To support partner organizations as they implement the program
Benefits to the Participant
A new appreciation for and knowledge of California’s unique ecology and natural history
Opportunities for personal and professional growth
New skills for volunteer and professional enrichment
Special knowledge of and access to local resources, ecology, and natural areas
Access to new venues for creative and hobby activities such as bird watching, sketching, photography, etc.
Fellowship from other California Naturalist participants throughout the state
The excitement of being part of the venerable tradition of naturalists throughout history and an innovative new program for natural resource stewardship.
Course Format
This One-Week Adult Immersion Course includes 40 hours of classroom and field courses during a residential week at the Field Station. The 2025 program dates are Sunday, June 15th to Saturday, June 21st.
The program costs $975 and includes all courses, food, and lodging at Sagehen Field Station.
Housing Options
Shared cabins are available for course participants. There are no private rooms at the field station, but participants may bring a tent and camp on-site if preferred. There is no discount for camping, since you will still be using all other station facilities. Course participants may not cook for themselves, nor opt out of catering. Please note dietary preferences on the registration form. Hotels in nearby Truckee, CA are an option for participants who require more amenities, but travel time of at least 1/2-hour each way will take away from valuable informal networking and field experience, not to mention sleep. The course consists of very full days and summer road work delays are always a factor, so we discourage this option.
Pack list
In addition to course materials described below, see our list of what you need to bring for your stay at Sagehen.
Course Textbook and Other Required Materials
Students need to purchase a field journal and the course text: The California Naturalist Handbook (30% discount code here). Please complete pre-course reading assignments: there will not be enough free time during the course to catch up from behind! Students should bring their textbook and field journal to every class and field trip session. Please bring your smartphone with the iNaturalist app installed and activated with your account. Participants may also find a small 10x hand lens and binoculars useful, but they are not required.
More information
Learn more about the California Naturalist program
Contact the Course Coordinator: Lynn Hori (email: lynnhori@gmail.com)
Program Information
The University of California Cooperative Extension developed California Naturalist to foster a committed corps of volunteer naturalists and community scientists trained and ready to take an active role in natural resource conservation, education, and restoration. Sagehen was an early beta-tester, and we continue to work closely with UCANR to develop new formats for this public certification program. Several of our freshly-minted California Naturalists developed and manage a public volunteer program at Sagehen, including our annual BioBlitz events.
Aspiring Naturalists enroll in a 40-hour course that combines classroom and field experience in science, problem-solving, communication training and community service. Class and field sessions are taught by local experts in the fields of: ecology, geology, plants, animals, climate, global environmental issues, energy, water, forests, and interpretation. Participants gain knowledge about the unique natural history of California with a focus on the Northern Sierras and Lake Tahoe Basin.
Collaborators include: UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center (TERC); Sugar Pine Foundation; UC Cooperative Extension Central Sierra; League to Save Lake Tahoe; Sierra Watershed Education Partnership (SWEP), and others.