The 2023 South Lake Tahoe CBC has been scheduled for Friday, December 15, 2023.
If you would like to learn more about the CBC, please click here. Otherwise, please sign up today via the button above. The below text includes some information about the structure of the count.
Option One: Dedication to the Chase. If you want to chase birds on foot, skis, or even in a boat, we are looking for experienced and beginner avian enthusiasts to find birds in assigned areas. We will appoint individuals or small groups to specific locations throughout the count circle. Please let us know if you would like to be assigned to a specific area, and we will do our best to make it work on a first come, first serve basis.
Option Two: The Backyard CBC. For people that live within the count circle, we encourage folks to participate by counting the birds at your feeder or in your yards or immediate neighborhoods. This way, you can kick back, relax, and learn about the birds that inhabit your yard. Be sure to hang up your feeder a few weeks leading up to the count, so the birds get used to the location of your seeds.
There will be an optional pizza party to conclude the day at Sue Stevenson’s house. More details to come.
With both options the data will need to be submitted to TINS via email or regular mail. A map of the count circle can be found by clicking HERE.
There will be an optional pizza party to conclude the day at Sue Stevenson’s house. Thank you to Blue Dog Pizza for donating pizza to our amazing volunteers!