Camp Scholarship
Over the years, generous donors have supported a scholarship fund to make our nature-based summer camps available to families who cannot afford the cost of attending camp. Each year, our camps have gotten more popular, and we want to ensure that our camps are available to as many children as possible.
We try to raise $1000 each year to make accessing Tahoe’s nature available to more families.
Scholarships are given on a first-asked, first-served basis. Funds are allocated to the individual needs of each child, and we ask that families contribute at least 10% of the camp tuition. In general, the following are examples of what a donation can do:
▪ $100 – provides tuition for one camper to attend our free Boys and Girls Club Camps
▪ $135 – provides tuition for one camper to attend Bug Camp
▪ $250 – provides tuition for one camper to attend Tahoe Explorers Camp
▪ Any donation is much appreciated and will help send a child to camp!
We strongly believe in the value of these camps and in past years have offered free camps to local Boys and Girls Clubs. We intend to partner with Boys and Girls Club of (South) Lake Tahoe again to offer them a free camp in 2021. As mentioned above, scholarships are awarded to individuals on a first-come, first-served basis, but donations above $1000, or any scholarship funds left unallocated at years end, will go towards offsetting the costs of running the free Boys and Girls Club camp. If any scholarship donors have specific requests for how they would like their funds to be allocated, they may indicate so in the donation form.